COVID-19 – Volunteers and reporting

The following is a reproduction of a memo distributed to all residents on 19 March 2020 (PDF of original memo).


To: All residents ­– Blue Woods Management Group, Inc., properties

Date: 19 March 2020

Re: COVID-19 – Volunteers and reporting

As we continue to monitor the evolving situation, at this time we want to start a volunteer response team in each building to help those that are in need. There may be residents who are elderly, disabled, have pre-existing health conditions or just in need of general assistance at this time. If you are able to assist with getting groceries, supplies or whatever a resident is in need of, please notify and sign up on the COVID-19 Response Neighbor Volunteer Sheet located in the lobby by the passenger elevator. Please both sign the sheet and email so that residents can see immediate sign ups and we can print updated sheets as volunteers sign up. You do not need to list all forms of contact (APT, home, cell or email), but please pick the one easiest in which to contact you.

Please be reminded that management will not be disclosing any names of any resident who may be infected or has tested positive for COVID-19. We will notify the building if there is a positive test result in the building but will not give specifics. Residents’ medical confidentiality will be protected. It is extremely important that if a resident has suspected symptoms and definitely if they have tested positive, to contact management confidentially to make sure proper steps are taken with local and federal authorities and recent contacts are notified if tested positive.

We once again encourage all residents to visit the websites listed below as they are the official channels that Blue Woods is relying on for information.

Official websites: